Despite appropriate adjustments, the Child or Young Person (CYP) continues to experience emotional or behavioural problems that are outside the normal range for their age. Although not all CYP with Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH) needs will have Special Education Needs or Disabilities (SEND), severe and persistent social, and emotional difficulties will often meet the SEND definition.
Mental Health
Difficulties making and managing friendships.
Difficulties forming relationships with adults.
Problems with conflict resolution.
Issues around bullying.
Difficulties understanding social rules or boundaries.
Problems reading social situations or nuanced social cues.
Difficulties with 'unstructured' times of the day (e.g. break times)
Identifying and managing heightened emotions.
‘Excessive’ worrying which is not easy to resolve.
‘Emotionally-Based School Avoidance’
Persistent sadness and withdrawal which does not resolve with encouragement.
Disruptive, difficult or dangerous behaviour
Emotional issues relating to trauma or early childhood experiences.
Low self-esteem or poor sense of self as a learner or person (including masking of feelings or needs).
Bereavement and loss.
Attachment or relationship difficulties.
Withdrawn or depressed.
Panic attacks.
Obsessional compulsive disorder (OCD).
Suicidal ideation.
Substance misuse.
Difficulties around eating, eating disorders, or restrictive eating.
Situational mutism.
Sexually risky behaviour.
Why I am Rude?
A performance of the poem ‘Why I am Rude’, written by Sarah Dillon is available below. It contains thoughts on why children and young people struggle with certain behaviours.