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Health Issues


Please do not send your child to school if he or she is obviously unwell, both for the benefit of your child and the rest of the school community. Please notify school of your child’s illness as soon as possible, either by telephone or e-mail. In particular, we need to be made aware of any infectious diseases, and recommend that anyone suffering from sickness and diarrhoea definitely be kept off school until at least 48 hours after their symptoms have gone.

Please see the following link for more information

Head Lice

Head lice are an extremely common problem, and we ask all parents to be vigilant about them.

First Aid

Almost all of our staff are qualified first-aiders, and we have a written policy for first aid and accidents. We will contact you if we think that a child needs to be taken home, or requires further medical treatment. You will be informed if your child has suffered a minor injury at school.

Asthma/ Severe Allergies/ Chronic medical conditions

We maintain a register of children with asthma or potentially serious allergies, and it is essential that you inform the school of any ongoing medical issues that affect your child.

All staff are aware of the procedure for dealing with asthma attacks or incidents of anaphylactic shock. Asthmatics must have an inhaler with them at school.

Prescribed medicines

Please try to time doses to be administered at home, or arrange to come into school to administer the medicine yourself. If they need to be administered 4 times a day, you must complete the relevant form from the school office giving details of the medicine and its administration requirements. A qualified first-aider will be responsible for the storage and administration of any medicines during school hours.

You must ensure that the medicine is clearly labelled with the child’s name, and you must collect the medicine at the end of each day.