Punctuality & Absence
Please ensure that your child arrives on time for the start of the school day; the playground gate is opened at 8:45am and the bell rings at 8.55am. The children then line up and enter the school ready for the register to be taken and a prompt start to the day at 9am.
Children who arrive late will need to be brought into school through the main entrance, and their parent/carer will be asked to log their child in on the Inventry system, in the entrance hall, indicating that their children are now in school. If there is no one in the School Office, please use the buzzer on the keypad.
When your child is absent, please inform us by telephone or e-mail, before 8.55am.
Children may not leave the premises during the school day unless the school has been notified in advance and a nominated adult collects the child. We ask that parents (or the designated nominee) who collect or return their child from or to school during the day for any reason, sign the sheet in the entrance lobby; this will provide us with a record of “comings and goings” during the day.
The governing body is required by law to publish the number of unauthorised absences each academic year; these are absences for which the child’s parents or carers do not give an acceptable explanation. The headteacher is the only person able to authorise absence.
Update: All schools have recently received new Education Regulations which change the rules and guidance about term-time holidays, which are not permitted. The amendments make clear that ‘Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time, unless there are exceptional circumstances’.